This is a Higher Diploma Course offered by the Centre for the Study of Human Rights (CSHR), Faculty of Law, University of Colombo. It is the first higher diploma level study programme initiated by the CSHR. Higher Diploma in Human Rights Based Human Resource Management (HDip HR_HRM) is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the interface between human rights and human resource management with special reference to business and labour relations.
When businesses respect human rights, they demonstrate their commitment to building sustainable and mutually beneficial relationships with those who influence or are impacted by their operations, including customers, communities, workers, and investors. Connecting human rights and human resource management with business environment and labour relations involves the combination of legal perspectives with the ethical and moral dimensions. This study program aims to provide significant subject knowledge of which is essential for all individuals who are part of, or are interested in business environment and human rights. This course will enhance their knowledge on diverse aspects of human rights, human resource management, business and labour relations and make them familiar with law, regulations and procedures involved in enforcing the same as all business enterprises and individuals are expected to respect human rights to create a conducive environment for both the employer and employees.
By introducing a study programme of this nature, the CSHR, Faculty of Law contributes to promoting human rights in business settings and strengthen labour relations with an emphasis on relevant laws in this field. The knowledge and skills developed through this course will enhance the capacity to respect and ensure the respect for law, human rights and work norms and ethics in both the workplaces and in the community, and through offering opportunities to all the people who can support the advancement of social and economic rights and needs.
This course is designed to enable the participants to understand the fundamentals of Human Rights based Human Resource Management and rights and obligations relating to employment both from theoretical and practical perspectives in a user-friendly manner.
At the end of the course, the participants are expected to:
a) identify the laws relating to human rights based human resource management and employment;
b) escribe the relevance of human rights in business environment;
c) identify the laws and rights relating to employment and industrial relations;
d) know the intellectual property rights in the workplace;
e) evaluate the relationship between gender and employment;
f) study the work norms and applicable ethics to public and private sectors;
g) appraise the legal framework governing dispute resolution and apply the dispute resolution mechanisms to the business environments, employment related issues and relevant areas.
h) critique the emerging trends in human rights relating to human resource management and employment.
The prospective applicants will be those who are interested in studying the interface between human rights and human resource management and are from diverse backgrounds such as from public sector, corporate sector, lawyers, employees in NGO’s and INGO’s, human rights activists, members from civil society organizations and any other individual having a passion to follow the programme
This course is designed based on the credit value system of Sri Lanka Qualification Framework Level 4 (SLQF 4).
Credits and Duration – Students must complete 30 credits within the period of one year (01).
Medium of Instruction – English
Assessment – Assessment will consist of Continuous Assessment and a year-end examination.
Academic Resource Pool – The resource pool comprised of lecturers from the Faculty of Law and academics and practitioners who are experts in the fields of human rights and human resource management.
- Human Rights Concept and Law
- Fundamentals of Corporate Law and Human Rights
- Employment Rights and Labour Relations
- Intellectual Property Rights in the Workplace
- Employment Ethics and Human Rights
- Gender Perspectives and Employment
- Dispute Resolution Mechanisms
- Human Rights in Human Resource Management
1) General Certificate of Education (Advanced level) or an equivalent qualification and completion of a minimum of 30 credits at SLQF Level 3;
2) Completion of NVQF level 5 followed by a corresponding cognitive bridging programme of minimum 30 credits as determined by the academic authorities of University of Colombo.
Application Fee: Rs. 500/-
Course Fee: Rs. 100,000/-
Duly Completed Applications along with relevant copies of certificates and documents should be submitted by registered post to:
The Director,
Centre for the Study of Human Rights,
Faculty of Law, University of Colombo,
No.94, Cumaratunga Munidasa Mawatha, Colombo 03.