The Centre for the Study of Human Rights is a service oriented, nonprofit making institution in the Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, established in 1991. Through its mandate of human rights education and research, the CSHR continued to conduct awareness and training programmes and carried out research towards disseminating knowledge of human rights in the country

In terms of human rights education, the need to offer formal human rights courses to the public was identified. The CSHR commenced the Distance Learning Diploma in Human Rights and Peace Studies in 2005 and the online Diploma in Human Rights in 2008. In addition, the University of Colombo, through the CSHR and the Faculty of Law, collaborated with the University of Sydney, Australia in 2009, to offer the Asia Pacific Masters in Human Rights and Democratisation,

As a response to the demand of human rights themes, the CSHR has planned advanced training programmes and certificate programmes for the public. The main objective of these Programmes is to provide comprehensive knowledge to persons who have an interest to develop their knowledge in the following areas.

Advanced Certificate in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law 


 This course is an introduction to Human Rights (HR) and International Humanitarian Law (IHL). It focuses on the very basics of the relevant areas, particularly emphasizing on the most important aspects, namely, history and background of HR and IHL, domestic law, fundamental rights, international treaties, norms, and principles related to HR and IHL and mechanisms of implementing these regimes

 Provide participants with the basic knowledge of HR and IHL
 Develop the participants’ knowledge to open their minds to the rights they are entitled
 Develop a system of appreciation of human beings, their individual dignity, rights and means of defending them
 Motivate to study human rights

  1. Introduction to Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law
  2. International Bill of Rights
  3. Core International Human Rights Instruments
  4. Domestic Human Rights Protection Mechanisms
  5. International Humanitarian Law Instruments
  6. The Application of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law
  7. Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons and Migration
  8. Dealing with Violations, Implementation of IHL, International Criminal Jurisdiction

Student Evaluation /Evaluation Method : Continuous Assessment (Individual Presentations and Essay)

Selected candidates can follow the course in English Medium

Resource persons are invited from specialized fields, Public Services.

Special seminars will be conducted by senior personnel and other relevant sectors according to the curriculum.

  •  General Certificate of education (O/L) or an Equivalent qualification .


  • Completion of NVQF level 3.


  • A good working knowledge in English.

Application Fee :              Rs.250/=

Course Fee          :       Rs.25,000/=

Application forms and other information; 

Completed Applications and copies of certificates should be submitted along with the paying voucher of the non-refundable application fee of Rs.250/- to be paid to any branch of the People’s Bank, in favour of ‘University of Colombo – Main Collection Account’ with the relevant account number as indicated in the application form.

Advanced Certificate in Human Rights based Research Methodology 


 Empirical research has become an intrinsically intersected field in any professional career in today’s world. Whether it to be social sciences and Humanities, legal studies, defense studies, policy planning, development studies, and marketing or any other field, knowledge and skills on research methodology has a greater value which is highly demanded. This high demand for the potentials on research methodology is clearly visible in public, private and non-governmental sector as well.

This course introduces and discusses approaches, strategies, and data collection methods relating to research. Students will consider how to select the appropriate methodology for use in a study to be undertaken. Additionally, these students will learn how to collect data based on different data collection methods, construct tools, and pilot them before they become ready for use. Finally, this course elucidates the requirements for an academic work, considering aspects related to language, writing style, and lay-out. To culminate this final stage, students will learn to write a comprehensive research proposal that may be conducted in the future.

a) The objectives of this course are:

  1. To introduce the students of the basic elements of an academic research
  2. To discuss the complete process of research in relation to human rights
  3. To enhance the knowledge and skills in designing a viable research methodology

b) Upon completing this course, each student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic elements of a research process;
  2. Identify an appropriate methodology for a research pertinent to the research objectives;
  3. Identify, explain, compare, and prepare the key elements of a research proposal/report;
  4. Consider the kind of research related language to use in an academic written work;
  5. Explain the rationale for research ethics, and the ethical and legal importance of ensuring human rights in a research
  1. Human Rights and Fundamental Rights
  2. Introduction to Research
  3. Sampling Methods
  4. Data Collection and Ethical Framework
  5. Technical Writing in Research
  6. Independent Research Proposal

This course is specially designed to address the issues and challenges faced by the junior scholars, fresh researchers and the beginners who are interested in researching human rights related issues but facing challenges in designing the research methodology appropriately.

Specially, undergraduates and those who are already following or wish to follow the courses in CSHR or any other institution which involves submission of term papers, independent studies, extended essays

Selected candidates can follow the course in English Medium

Resource persons are invited from specialized fields, Public Services.

Special seminars will be conducted by senior personnel and other relevant sectors according to the curriculum.

No person shall be considered for admission to the course leading to the AdvCert in HRRM, unless s/he has a

a) G. C.E Ordinary Level or an equivalent qualification; or

b) Completion of NVQF level 3; and

c) A good working knowledge of the language of which the course is followed.

Application Fee :              Rs.250/=

Course Fee          :       Rs.40,000/=

Application forms and other information; 

Completed Applications and copies of certificates should be submitted along with the paying voucher of the non-refundable application fee of Rs.250/- to be paid to any branch of the People’s Bank, in favour of ‘University of Colombo – Main Collection Account’ with the relevant account number as indicated in the application form.

Advanced Certificate in Child Care and Rights Next Intake: June 2024


The field of child care and child rights have become an important body of knowledge in disciplines such as law, sociology, psychology, social work, law enforcement, public policy formulation and implementation etc. It has been an evolving subject in all academic levels with the growing democracy and modernization throughout the world.

The Advance Certificate on Child Care and Rights 2023 – Adv. Cert (Child Care and Rights) is a practice oriented programme targeted at child protection sector, child rights and human rights activism, professionals engaged in protecting and promoting child rights and preventing child abuse in the society. Child care and child rights have drawn the attention of academics, administrators, policy makers, NGOs, INGOs, donor community and interested members of the civil society over the past years.

This programme is intended to provide and develop the necessary knowledge, enhance the skills and inculcate attitudes in the area of child care and child rights.

  1. To provide candidates with the relevant contextual and systemic knowledge on main concepts, principles on child rights and childhood.
  2. To provide a clear focus on the international frameworks – protecting child’s physical integrity, social and personal development and domestic legal standards and policy framework.
  3. To provide a clear knowledge on special aspects of child rights and protection; special reference to right to education, rights of the girl child, child labor.
  4. To equip candidates with the knowledge of existing institutional mechanism related to child protection.
  5. To stimulate them to identify the gaps between international standards and domestic laws and institutional mechanisms as well as between national policy and laws;
  6. To provide clear tools, principles and methodologies for contributing to the processes of social protection and prevention.
  7. To motivate them to address the challenges encountered in enforcing the laws.

Module 1:  Introduction to Child Development and Child Care

Module 2:  International and Domestic Legal Framework on Child Rights

Module 3:  Institutional Mechanism related to Child Protection

Module 4:  Special Aspects of Child Rights and Protection

Module 5:  Institutionalization, Alternative Care and the Child

Module 6:  Criminal Justice System and Child

Module 7:  Soft Skills Development (Workshops

a) General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) or an equivalent qualification, or

b) Completion of NVQF level 3 or

c) Any other relevant qualifications and/or experiences accepted by the Academic Committee of the CSHR and approved by the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Law; and

d)  A good working knowledge of the language of which the course is followed.

Sinhala and Tamil

Teaching methods: Lectures, Discussions, Case Studies etc

Evaluation: Presentation

Application Fee :              Rs.250/=

Course Fee          :       Rs.25,000/=

Application forms and other information;

Applications can be obtained from this page.

Completed Applications and copies of certificates should be submitted along with the paying voucher of the non-refundable application fee of Rs.250/- to be paid to any branch of the People’s Bank, in favour of ‘University of Colombo – Main Collection Account’ with the relevant account number as indicated in the application form.

Duly Completed Applications along with relevant copies of certificates and documents should be submitted by registered post to:

The Director,
Centre for the Study of Human Rights,
Faculty of Law, University of Colombo,
No.94, Cumaratunga Munidasa Mawatha, Colombo 03.

Distance Learning Advanced Certificate in Human Rights Approach to Prison Administration

The Centre for the Study of Human Rights (CSHR), University of Colombo, in collaboration with the Center for Research and Training in Corrections, Department of Prisons, conducting the Distance Learning Advanced Certificate in Human Rights Approach to Prison Administration for Prison Officers in Sri Lanka since 2014.

To build the capacity of Prison Officers in the area of Human Rights
To create a positive attitude towards the rights of prisoners and
To strengthen the capacity of Prison Officers by offering a comprehensive knowledge on their duties and responsibilities
Enhance knowledge of Prison Officers on International Human Rights and its applicability in Sri Lanka, especially within the Prisons.
Develop a self-learning study pack which is resourceful and time- efficient.
Strengthen the capacity of Prison Officers by offering a comprehensive knowledge on their rights and responsibilities and empowering prison personnel with tools which they can use when handling situational factors from a human rights perspective.
Build a positive attitude among Prison Officers towards protecting the rights of prisoners.
Encourage Officers to pursue further education related to their work.

Medium : Sinhala and Tamil

Evaluation: Assignments and Individual Presentation

Course Fee: Rs. 20, 000/-

Application forms and other information; 

Completed Applications and copies of certificates should be submitted along with the paying voucher of the non-refundable application fee of Rs.250/- to be paid to any branch of the People’s Bank, in favour of ‘University of Colombo – Main Collection Account’ with the relevant account number as indicated in the application form.

All the documents should be submitted to

Payment of the application fee can be done through the following options.

Option 1

Pay to any branch of the People’s Bank, in favour of ‘University of Colombo – Main Collection Account’ to the Account number stated in the application form of each programme.

Please note that you cannot make direct transfers through online banking to the account number given and can only make the transaction through the web portal mentioned in option 2.

Option 2

Through the university payment portal. Click here to make an online payment : 

Use the following details;

Fee Type : Course Fee-CSHR

Account reference Number: The account number indicated in the application form

Duly Completed Applications along with relevant copies of certificates and documents should be submitted by registered post to:

The Director,
Centre for the Study of Human Rights,
Faculty of Law, University of Colombo,
No.94, Cumaratunga Munidasa Mawatha, Colombo 03.