Certificate in Mediation




Mediation is an important method of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) that enhances the right to equal access to justice for all. In the context of Sri Lanka, where the formal justice system is riddled with high costs, delays, and adversarial nature of litigation, the realization of the right to equal access to justice has become a challenge for the public, business entities, and the State. Having recognized the importance of mediation for expeditious delivery of justice, the University of Colombo, Faculty of Law, Centre for the Study of Human Rights developed a Certificate on Mediation in partnership with key subject experts in the field, The Asia Foundation and the Support to Justice Sector (JURE) Project, implemented by the UNDP Sri Lanka, with the financial support of the European Union.

The main objective of the Certificate in Mediation is to improve and expand mediation in Sri Lanka, including commercial mediation, thereby enabling expeditious remedies that are grounded in the overarching goal of promoting access to justice for all.


