The field of child care and child rights have become an important body of knowledge in disciplines such as law, sociology, psychology, social work, law enforcement, public policy formulation and implementation etc. It has been an evolving subject in all academic levels with the growing democracy and modernization throughout the world.
The Certificate on Child Care and Rights 2023 –Cert (Child Care and Rights) is a practice oriented programme targeted at child protection sector, child rights and human rights activism, professionals engaged in protecting and promoting child rights and preventing child abuse in the society. child care and child rights have drawn the attention of academics, administrators, policy makers, NGOs, INGOs, donor community and interested members of the civil society over the past years.
This Programme is intended to provide and develop the necessary knowledge, enhance the skills and inculcate attitudes in the area of child care and child rights
- To provide candidates with the relevant contextual and systemic knowledge on main concepts, principles on child rights and childhood.
- To provide a clear focus on the international frameworks – protecting child’s physical integrity, social and personal development and domestic legal standards and policy framework.
- To provide a clear knowledge on special aspects of child rights and protection; special reference to right to education, rights of the girl child, child labor.
- To equip candidates with the knowledge of existing Institutional Mechanism related to Child Protection.
- To provide clear tools, principles and methodologies for contributing to the processes of social protection and prevention.
Module 1: Introduction to Child Development and Child Care
Module 2: International and Domestic Legal Framework on Child Rights
Module 3: Institutional Mechanism related to Child Protection
Module 4: Special Aspects of Child Rights and Protection
- Completion of junior secondary level, which is Grade 9 or an equivalent.
- Completion of primary education and certified work experience equivalent to a minimum period of two years in a particular field may also be considered as an equivalent qualification for admission to SLQF level 1 provided that the applicant is at least 16 years of age.
- A good working knowledge of the language in which the course will be offered.
Selected candidates can follow the Child care and Rights in Sinhala or Tamil
Resource persons are invited from specialized fields, Public Services.
Special seminars will be conducted by senior Personnel and other relevant sectors according to the curriculum.
Teaching methods: Lectures, Discussions, Case Studies etc
Evaluation: Presentation
Application Fee : Rs.250/=
Course Fee Rs.20,000/=
Applications can be obtained from the downloads section of this page.
Completed Applications and copies of certificates should be submitted along with the paying voucher of the non-refundable application fee of Rs.250/- to be paid to any branch of the People’s Bank, in favour of ‘University of Colombo – Main Collection Account’ with the relevant account number as indicated in the application form.
Duly Completed Applications along with relevant copies of certificates and documents should be submitted by registered post to:
The Director,
Centre for the Study of Human Rights,
Faculty of Law, University of Colombo,
No.94, Cumaratunga Munidasa Mawatha, Colombo 03.