Directed towards empowering the capacity of:
To enable them to be more self reliant in handling human rights situations affecting own lives and those with whom they interact.
CSHR has identified state actors representing the areas of Education, Law enforcement and Public administration.
Human Rights Education

This programme which is designed to teach Human Rights to secondary school students in a non formal manner is done by facilitating enhanced awareness, the formation of correct attitudes and development of skills relating to the school curriculum. The CSHR works with seventy (70) School Centres islandwide.

This project is designed to disseminate Human Rights knowledge to the community through Community Leaders who are actively involved in preventing violations of rights in their specific areas. Since 1994, the project trained selected community leaders with Human Rights knowledge.
Thirty nine (39) Human Rights Education Centres attached to the CSHR were involved in imparting knowledge of human rights to the grassroots level throughout the country.

Capacity building training for Army personal, Navy & Air Force personal.

Covers in-service training of instructors, training of gazetted officers and new recruits and refresher courses for those who have already undergone Human Rights training.
Prison Officers
Basic training in Human Rights for prison officers, training of trainees in the department of prisons.

Programme includes prison inmates and youthful offenders. With awareness of their rights and freedoms they will be placed in a stronger position to safeguard their writes and to seek redress at times of violation of their writes.
Human Rights Awareness
Undergraduates and graduates are attached and encouraged to involve themselves in Human Rights work, advocating, dissemination of international research and other skills on Human Rights are thought.

This project was introduced to improve knowledge in Human Rights for all Quazis in Sri Lanka; so that they can respond better to violations faced by the Muslim community.
This Programme provided sound knowledge on Human Rights for media personnel.
Human Rights Internship Programme
The objective of this programme is to provide practical training in Human Rights to graduates who are keen to pursue a career in this area. This Internship Programme provides training in advocacy, organising, dissemination and other skills related to Human Rights.
International Internships
Internships for international students are conducted by the CSHR in order to broaden their knowledge and experience in different Laws and Human Rights related topics.

Study sessions
Study sessions for international students are conducted by the CSHR in order to broaden their knowledge in different Human Rights related topics.
- Lectures, Discussions, Field Visits
- sessions are conducted by academics of the University of Colombo, lawyers and experts in the field of Human Rights.

Commemoration Programmes
CSHR commemorates the following events annually
Recognition and reward of contributors and achievers in the field of Human Rights. This activity is expected to be a source of inspiration for other people to be involved in similar activities