The Centre for the Study of Human Rights, University of Colombo has been conducting human rights educational programmes since 1994. As a pioneer in Human Rights education, the Centre provides opportunities for students from the age of 14 (grade 9) to postgraduate level to participate in human rights educational programmes. The main objective of these programs is to enhance the knowledge in the application of human rights of officials in government institutions, non-government organizations, Law enforcement Officers, and anyone interested in the Human Rights field. Furthermore, The Centre strives to inspire and motivate individuals to further their education in the field of human rights.
The programmes offered by the Centre have been developed according to the recommendations of the University Grants Commission. Additionally, the educational programmes are taught by experts of the teaching staff of the University of Colombo and many other experts in the field. Upon completion of these courses, students will be awarded a valuable certificate by the University of Colombo.
Payment of the application fee can be done through the following options.
Applications can be downloaded or can be submitted online from each of the course pages. Completed Applications and certificates should be submitted along with the paying voucher of the non refundable application fee.
Duly Completed Applications along with relevant copies of certificates and documents should be submitted by registered post to:
The Director,
Centre for the Study of Human Rights,
Faculty of Law, University of Colombo,
No.94, Cumaratunga Munidasa Mawatha, Colombo 03.