With Hiroshima Eyes: Atomic War, Nuclear Extortion, and Moral Imagination/ Joseph Gerson. – Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, 1995

Call No. CGW/ N – 019

International Symposium on Scientists, Peace and Disarmament, Buenos Aires, 11 – 15 April, 1988/ Edited by Guillemo A. Lemarchand & Alberio R. Pedace. – Singapore: World Scientific, 1988

Call No. CGW/ N – 048

Voices of Survival in the Nuclear Age/ Edited by Dennis Paulson. – London: Wisdom Publications, 1986

Call No. CGW/ N – 047

Nuclear weapons, the Peace Movement and the Law/ Edited by John Dewar, Abdul Paliwala, Sol Picciotto & Matthias Ruete. – London: Macmillan Press, 1986

Call No. CGW/ N – 033

Waging Peace in the Nuclear Age: Ideas for Action/ Edited by David Krieger & Frank K. Kelly. – California: Capra Press, 1988

Call No. CGW/ N – 045

The Bomb and the Law: London Nuclear Warfare Tribunal 1985: A Summary Report/ Edited by Geoffrey Darnton, 1989

Call No. CGW/ N – 032

Road to Elimination of Nuclear Weapons/ Kenji Miyamoto. -Tokyo: Japan Press Service, 1985

Call No. CGW/ N – 038

Humanizing Hell ! : The Law v. Nuclear Weapons/ George Delf. – London: Hamish Hamilton, 1985

Call No. CGW/ N – 037

Planet Earth in Jeopardy Environmental Consequences of Nuclear War/ Lydia Dotto. – New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1986

Call No. CGW/ N – 036

Illegality of Nuclear Weapons (Proceeding of a seminar held on 24th October 2003, Colombo, Sri Lanka)/ Weeramantry International; Centre for Peace Education and Research & International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms

Call No. CGW/ N – 049

Nuclear Proliferation and Safeguards/ Congress of the United States Office of Technology Assessment, 1977

Call No. CGW/ N – 043

Risks of Uninternational Nuclear War/ Daniel Frei. – Geneva: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, 1982

Call No. CGW/ N – 035

Why the Nuclear Danger Grows from Day to Day/ C. G. Weeramantry. – Colombo: Weeramantry International Centre for Peace Education & Research, 2005

Call No. CGW/ N – 050

Deception: Pakistan, The United States and the Global Nuclear Weapons Conspiracy/ Adrian Levy & Gatherine Scott-Clark. – London: Atlantic Books, 2007

Call No. CGW/ N – 003

We can Avert a Nuclear War/ Edited by William Epstein & Lucy Webster. – Cambridge: Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain publishers, 1983

Call No. CGW/ N – 004

The case against the Bomb: Marshall Islands before the International Court of Justice in Advisory Proceedings on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear weapons/ edited by RogerS. Clark & Madeleine Sann. – United Nations Missions of Marshall Islands, Samoa, and Solomon Islands, Foundation for International Environmental Law & Development & Rutgers University School of Law at Camden,1996

Call No. CGW/ N – 028

Effects of Nuclear War on Health and health services. – 2nd Edition. – Geneva: world health Organization, 1987

Call No. CGW/ N – 025

Securing our Survival (SOS): the Case for a Nuclear Convention (Including the updated model Convention on the prohibition of the Development, Testing, Production, Stockpiling, Tranfer, Use and Threat of Use of nuclear Weapons and on their Elimination/ With Commentary & Responses foreword by Judge C. G. Weeramantry. – International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms, 2007

Call No. CGW/ N – 027

The Naked Nuclear Emperor: Debunking Nuclear Deterrence – A Prime for Safer security Strategies/ Robert Green. – New Zealand: The Disarmament and Security Centre, 2000

Call No. CGW/ N – 023/024

Scientists and War: The Impact of Science on Military and Civil Affairs/ Sir Solly Zuckerman. – London: The Scientific Book club, 1966

Call No. CGW/ N – 007

Explaining the Atom/ Selig Hecht. – London: The Scientific Book Club, 1947

Call No. CGW/ N – 005

Indefensible Weapons: The political and psychological case against Nuclearism/ Rovert Jay Lifton & Richard Falk. – New York: Basic Books, 1982

Call No. CGW/ N – 018

Nuclear Power/ Walter C. Patterson. – Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1976

Call No. CGW/ N – 014

Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare/ Bertrand Russell. – London: Routledge, 2001

Call No. CGW/ N – 029

Unacceptable Risk: The Nuclear Power Controversy/ McKinley C. Olson. – New York: Bantam Book, 1975

Call No. CGW/ N – 010

The Outline of Atomic Bomb Damage in Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, 2002

Call No. CGW/ N – 012

Aotearoa/ New Zealand At the World Court/ kate Dewes & Robert Green. – New Zealand: Sisarmament and Security centre, 1999

Call No. CGW/ N – 013

The (Il)legality of Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons: A Guide to the Historic Opinion of the international Court of Justice/ John Burroughs. –Munster: LiT, 1997

Call No. CGW/ N – 011

The criminality of Nuclear Weapons/ Francis A. Boyle. – Nuclear Age peace Foundation, 1991

Call No. CGW/ N – 016

The Nuclear Option: the prosperity or Destruction of Man/ Osmund Jayaratne. – Colombo: Godage International Publishers, 2004

Call No. CGW/ N – 009

Nuclear Disarmament in the twenty- first Century/ Edited by Wade L. Huntley; Kazumi Mizumoto & Litsuru Kurosawa/ Hiroshima : Hiroshima Peace Institute, 2004

Call No. CGW/ N – 034

Nuclear Deterrence: Does it Deter?/ Honore M. Catudal. – London : Mansell Pub. Ltd., 1985

Call No. CGW/ N – 008

Nuclear Weapons and International Law in the Post Cold War World/ Charles J. Moxley.- Lanham : Austin & Winfield Pub., 2000

Call No. CGW/ N – 001

The Nuclear Barons: The inside Story of How they Created our Nuclear Nightmare/ Peter Pringle & James Spigelman.- New york : Michael Joseph Ltd., 1982

Call No. CGW/ N – 015

Nuclear Power : The Unviable Option/ John J. Berger .- California : Ramparts Press, 1976 

Call No. CGW/ N – 006